Joe Monti

Friday, September 10, 2004

All Moved In

It wasn't official until my server was moved, which I did last night, but I am all moved in to my new place in Dalton. I've got a few posters to put up and things to put away, but it's more or less setup the way I want it.

Its a big change from living at home with the rents for a year, and pretty much every where else I've lived. But I'm getting used to it, and I like it. We'll see if I can get out of there every once in a while to keep from going stir crazy ;)

Things are quiet there, with the exception of the overly-competitive-for-kids peewee football in the park across the street. And the other tenants in the house I've met (there are 4 apartments in the house) seem nice.

And lucky for me and my networking ways my new cable/internet provider, Time Warner Cable, actually has port 25 and 80 open :) So no more domain forwarding, and I get to keep my mail server (WooHoo!).

Thats about it. If you want my new address, phone number, or IP address (j/k), you know where to find me. Don't be shy about visiting :) And I've also got a spare bedroom.



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