Joe Monti

Friday, February 21, 2003

Greed to Destroy Computing

Will greed (aka. money) destroy what makes computing (aka. digital information) so great? I sure hope not.

Computing is a completely different entity than the world in which we live. With computing you can duplicate digital objects billions of times with minimal cost and effort. With the real world you are restricted by physical limitations; meaning duplicating physical objects incurs significant cost and effort. What is the significance of this? Computing opens up a completely new and exciting avenue for distributing digital objects, which can be everything from music to software.

The problem is that people are trying to make computing fit into their "business model," destroying everything that makes computing special, and driven by greed. It is as if the new kid is getting bullied and robbed because he is faster, smarter, and better looking.

We need to create a way by which the physical and digital world can coexist, without letting greed get in the way and letting society benefit (not by means of profit) from the digital world. Digital information can change the way we think and live our lives. We just need to open our eyes, not allow our past to impede our future, and support Open technologies. This can be done by visiting and supporting groups like the Free Software Foundation and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.


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