Joe Monti

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Visual Programming

Programming in a text editor is incredibly archaic. You are too limited at how you can layout your program. Things like indentation and separating a project into multiple files can help a programmer organize and manage their project, but it's just not enough. People don't naturally think in these terms. We need a more visually manageable interface to programming; something where you can more directly make the connection from thought to code.

This involves being able to separate code segments to aid in design and manageability, graphically create control structures to quicken the development process, and visually link function calls to show program flow. These are only of the few new ideas that can come from a visual programming environment.

This can easily be represented in textual form by embedding the code into XML constructs. Though the major problem I see with this is the lack of adequate input (keyboard,mouse,etc) to be able to work fluidly, I see more of a touch sensitive screen (to replace a mouse) closely coupled with a keyboard (preferably dvorak style).

I think we are far enough in the evolution of programming to move away from coding in a standard text editor.


  • I think that visual programming will come about (boy, don't the hackers love hearing this), but only if Objects of Classes become self-reliant, and are able to spawn and communicate with one another all on their own.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:02 AM  

  • There is tons of research going into visual programming. Check out 'Programming' -> 'Paradigms' -> visual. There is a FAQ for comp.lang.visual and some other info.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:03 AM  

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