Joe Monti

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

OSUG Update

Just in time for my bout of lazyness was the birth of OSUG. I just wanted to say that it's not quite dead yet. It went into a coma, and it's on its way out. Now that I'm a PHP pro it should go pretty easy, just going to take some time. So keep an eye out.

Been a long time coming

Wow, I've been lazy. More of a combination of little time and little inclination to do anything computer related. I've been slacking on my websites, slacking on my open source, and slacking on my system (I need to get 2.6 running with all my hardware, but my wireless card is being difficult).

Well, now that I'm back to doing what I love (robots), I've had a renewed interest in recreational computing. This comes at a perfect time too, because I found a LUG in the berkshires! (actually, it found me).

A lot has happened since my last post, but I'll save you the novel. You'll just have to guess :)